However, chances are the shaky camera will have your stomach churning within the first few seconds of playing though thankfully this can be disabled in the options menu. It's a unique visual style which sets it apart from the nearest genre rivals and does certainly build an intense atmosphere a lot more than the clichéd, expletive-laden storyline. Most obvious is the new visual style of Kane & Lynch: Dog Days which is clearly designed to reflect the gritty, life-like hand-camera footage of the internet. The plot then proceeds to blitz past at a lightning pace, which is fortunate as it leaves little time for it to crumble under the metric tonne of desperate adult bravado and macho testosterone-fuelled grimacing. However, before any pathetic moralists object it's all ok because they're on the payroll of a crime lord who is just a little bit more evil than our titular duo. Especially considering they proceed to murder their way through what seems like most of the police force of China. With one being a deranged psychopath and the other a self-absorbed, greedy killer it's difficult to empathise with them. As Kane and Lynch were already two of the most unlikeable characters we've ever encountered, having even less justification for their actions encourages you to hate them even more.
Kane and lynch 2 dog days price manual#
Two incredibly short paragraphs in the game's manual provides all the back-story you're going to get, with virtually no references made to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men and barely any explanation to what either of the protagonists are actually doing in Shanghai. Having failed to properly address the numerous criticisms, Kane & Lynch: Dog Days still frustrates in virtually all the same areas as its predecessor and even manages to add new annoyances. The BBFC rating detailing "strong bloody violence, torture and frequent strong language" more accurately describes my experiences playing the title than the game itself. Buckle up everyone: it's going to be a rough ride.įrom the very go, Kane & Lynch: Dog Days sets out to be a "gritty and brutal" third-person shooter. Thankfully, they'll all come in handy when describing the recently released sequel. No, I'm not talking about my sex life, these were all words I used when reviewing the original Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. Separating after the events of the first game, the two criminals rejoin to embark on a risky gambit with an unimaginable payoff.// Reviews // 30th Aug 2010 - 12 years ago // By Christopher Wakefield Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Review When the game begins, Kane is traveling to meet Lynch in the world's largest city, where he has been hiding in plain sight among Shanghai's 15 million people. His unbalanced psychopathic tendencies lead to more improvised missions and spontaneous action sequences, compared to the more careful planning informed by Kane's military background.

As the original game, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, followed the gruesome misadventures of the former death-row inmates primarily from the perspective of Kane, the second game unfolds from the perspective of Lynch. In cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes, players control both characters. The play style is similar to that of the first game in the main campaign, single players control one character while the computer controls the other. The game's graphical style mimics reality broadcasting and amateur documentary, with shaky camera cut-scenes and backstory told through YouTube-esque video clips. Missions involve exploration and light platform-puzzle navigation through various large urban environments, with a focus on gunfights with firearms of nearly all sizes and types. Mercenary outlaws Kane and Lynch blaze a path of violence and bloodshed through the Shanghai criminal underground in Dog Days, a sequel from IO Interactive, creator of the original game.